Events|Hi-Tech Forum and 2nd Hi-Acts Network Meeting present: Industry meets accelerator-based technologies

Hi-Tech Forum and 2nd Hi-Acts Network Meeting present: Industry meets accelerator-based technologies

Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf11/04/2024

Hi-Acts Exchange

Join us for an exclusive event dedicated to exchanging ideas and fostering collaboration in the field of accelerator-based technologies.

The Hi-Tech Forum and Hi-Acts cordially invite you to join an exclusive event bringing together outstanding experts from science, industry and medicine. This event, hosted by the Helmholtz Center Dresden-Rossendorf, is an unparalleled opportunity for dialogue and collaboration in a joint forum.

We aim to bring together industry representatives, stakeholders in healthcare, and innovation experts to foster new ideas and collaborative initiatives along the entire value chain of accelerator technologies. Together with you, we will explore current and future possibilities for commercial applications.

We look forward to your participation in this exciting forum to shape the future of accelerator-based innovations.

Keynotes & Speaker

In keynotes and pitch sessions, you can expect current insights into the diverse possibilities for material analysis and material modification using conventional, but also in future novel particle accelerators as well as medical radionuclide production. In addition to contributions from the participating Helmholtz centres DESY, HZDR, GSI, HEREON and HZB, companies such as Amplitude Laser, VON ARDENNE GmbH, Research Instruments and HZDR Innovation GmbH, Cup Contract Labs, ROTOP GmbH and other research institutes will also be presenting their areas of application for accelerator technologies.

Do you like to take an active role?  How you can contribute:

Pitch presentation:

Present your company in a smart 5-minute pitch during the pitch sessions on November 4 and 5, 2024.  For example, how you master challenges for your company or your industry with the help of accelerator technologies.

Poster exhibition:

Companies, associations, scientists and projects have the opportunity to present their work or offers at our poster exhibition on November 4 and 5, 2024.

Industry booth:

Do you like to present your company and your services to the participants? Then register for an industry stand.

Take advantage of our exclusive evening event:

Network evening-event dinner November 4, 2024, from 5.30 p.m.:

Enjoy an atmospheric evening with us in the historical ambience of Schloss Schönfeld, located between Rossendorf and Dresden, for a relaxed exchange of ideas with the best culinary delights.

Registration and participation: Please register below.


4th November 2024

from 9:30 a.m.: Registration

10:00 – 11:30 a.m.: Technology Tours Our TechTours take you behind the scenes. Discover the ZRT, ELBE or the IBC and get an impression of selected accelerator-based technologies available at the HZDR. Choose either: 

  • ZRT (Center for Radiopharmaceutical Tumor Research) 
  • ELBE (Electron Linac for beams with high Brilliance and low Emittance) 
  • IBC (Ion Beam Center) 

11:00 a.m.: Start Industry exhibition and Posters (Building 106) 

11:30 a.m.: First contacts and fingerfood (Building 106) 

Moderation: Philipp Büttner 

12:00 p.m.: Welcome – Prof. Dr. Sebastian M. Schmidt, Scientific Director of HZDR, and Dr. Björn Wolf, Head of Technology Transfer & Innovation at HZDR and Head of HZDR Innovation GmbH 

12:30 p.m.: SESSION I: MATERIALmodification 

Keynote Dialogue: “Laser-based ion acceleration vs traditional ion beam technology” Dr. Karl Zeil, Institute for Radiation Physics and Laser Particle Acceleration Division, HZDR, & Dr. Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Ion Beam Center, HZDR 

1:00 p.m.: Science & Industry Pitches 

“Ion Implantation Challenges in SiC Device Processing” Dr.-Ing. Volker Häublein Group Leader Process Development Si(C) Processes, Fraunhofer-Institut für Integrierte Systeme und Bauelementetechnologie IISB (Erlangen) 

  • “Ion Implantation Challenges in SiC Device Processing” Dr.-Ing. Volker Häublein Group Leader Process Development Si(C) Processes, Fraunhofer-Institut für Integrierte Systeme und Bauelementetechnologie IISB (Erlangen)
  • tba Gabriel Laota, Sales And Business Development, Amplitude Lasers (Düsseldorf)
  • “Advanced Coating Technologies – Optics from IR to EUV and X-rays” Michael Schneider, Industry Manager Optics, VON ARDENNE (Dresden) 
  • “Laser technology for plasma accelerators and nuclear fusion” Dr. Christoph Heyl, Group leader Ultrafast Photonics Research and Innovation Group, DESY (Hamburg) & Helmholtz Institute Jena 
  • “Laser plasma accelerators - innovative potential in medical engineering”dr Kristjan Poder, Team Lead of Plasma Accelerator Application development, DESY (Hamburg) 
  • “Suppression of 1SSF expansion in 4H-SiC using Energy Filtered Ion Implantation” M. Sc. Hitesh Jayaprakash, Development Engineer, mi2-factory GmbH (Jena) 
  • “Doping semiconductors by ion implantation” Dr. Shengqiang Zhou, Head Semiconductor Materials, HZDR (Dresden) 

2:00 p.m.: Coffee and Chat 

3:00 p.m.: SESSION II: MATERIALanalytics 

Keynote: “Ion Beam analysis Portfolio” Dr. René Heller, Head Ion Beam Analysis, HZDR (Dresden) 

3:30 p.m.: Science & Industry Pitches 

  • “Risk management and intellectual screening driven by synchrotron X-ray spectroscopies” Dr. Elmar Kataev, Department of Interface Design, HZB (Berlin) 
  • “Radiation hardness testing with high energy heavy ions at GSI” Dr. Tim Wagner, PostDoc, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung (Darmstadt) 
  • “Towards compact XFEL for material research” Dr. Arie Irman, Research Group Leader Laser-Electron Acceleration, HZDR (Dresden) 
  • “Tomographic 3D analysis from battery to organoid” Dr. Johannes Hagemann, Group leader Physics-informed AI, DESY (Hamburg) 
  • “Brilliant light for materials science: examples of industry-related applications of the instruments operated by GEMS at PETRA III” Dr. Marc Thiry, Industrial Relations Officer at ReMade@ARI, Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon (Hamburg) 
  • tba Kenjiro Uesugi, ALLOS Semiconductors GmbH (Dresden) 

4:30 p.m.: Hi-Acts Networking: Fishbowl-Session 

"Accelerator technologies as catalysts for industrial innovation: success factors and challenges", Moderation: Johannes Blum 

Starting 5:30 p.m.: Transfer to EVENING EVENT at Renaissance-Castle Schönfeld 

A bus for transfer is organized (and also transfers from the castle back to Campus Rossendorf and to Dresden City).

5:30 p.m.: Get together Schloss Schönfeld 

6:50 p.m.: Buffet 

8:00 p.m.: Fireside chat: Best practices for the exchange of professionals between research and industry 

9:15 p.m.: Atmospheric highlight and life act at Salon Hofzinser 

11:00 p.m.: Official End 

5th November 2024

9:00 a.m.: Hi-Acts Breakfast Session (Building 106) 

Review and News from the Hi-Acts-Network and pitches from partners 

10:00 a.m.: SESSION III: Accelerator-based production of (medical) RADIONUCLIDES 

Keynote: “Overviews and opportunities for cooperation in the field of R&D, production of radionuclides” Dr. Martin Kreller, Head Targetry, Target Chemistry and Radiopharmacy, HZDR (Dresden) 

10:30 a.m.: Science & Industry Pitches 

  • "If you can think it we can build it Christoph Quitmann", Research Instruments (Bergisch Gladbach) 
  • “Radionuclides by neutrons - The concept of High-Current Accelerator based Neutron Sources (HiCANS)” Dr. Thomas Gutberlet, Senior Scientist High Brilliance Neutron Source Project Forschungszentrum Jülich 
  • “Production of isotope-pure raw materials” tba, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung (Darmstadt) 
  • “Ecosystem Pitch NUKLID Network + CUP” Dr. Dirk-Freitag Stechl, Managing Director, CUP Laboratories (Radeberg) 
  • tba, Isotope Technologies Dresden GmbH
  • “Large scale production of theranostic radionuclides using electron accelerators - problems and solutions” Andy Tuerler, RPO Nucleogenesis (Ghent/Belgium)  

12:00 p.m.: Lunch 

1:00 – 3:00 p.m.: Technology Tours Our TechTours take you behind the scenes. Discover the ELBE or the IBC and get an impression of selected accelerator-based technologies available at the HZDR. Choose either 

  • ELBE (Electron Linac for beams with high Brilliance and low Emittance)
  • IBC (Ion Beam Center) 

3:00 p.m.: Official End 

Registration and Participation

Registration: Please let us know if we may welcome you at the Hi-Tech Forum and 2nd Hi-Acts Network Meeting and how you would like to contribute. We are looking forward to meeting you!

Need more information? Please do not hesitate to contact us!

Dr. Peggy Jungke

Strategic Alliance Managerin

Contact Us
Erfolgreicher Austausch auf dem Hi-Acts Netzwerktreffen 2023
Forschung die nach Anwendungen sucht: XFEL am HZDR
Austausch zum Hi-Acts Netzwerktreffen 2023 am DESY in Hamburg
Erfolgreicher Austausch auf dem Hi-Acts Netzwerktreffen 2023
Forschung die nach Anwendungen sucht: XFEL am HZDR
Austausch zum Hi-Acts Netzwerktreffen 2023 am DESY in Hamburg
Lively transfer: The focus of the Hi-Tech FORUM is on applications for industry and medicine.
Participants of the Hi-Tech FORUM can expect exciting insights into the accelerator facilities of the HZDR.
The 1st Hi-Acts network meeting in November 2023 successfully brought together industry and research in the field of accelerator-based technologies.
Lively transfer: The focus of the Hi-Tech FORUM is on applications for industry and medicine.
Participants of the Hi-Tech FORUM can expect exciting insights into the accelerator facilities of the HZDR.
The 1st Hi-Acts network meeting in November 2023 successfully brought together industry and research in the field of accelerator-based technologies.